2461 Toggles the Undo buffer creation for the active sample window.
2462 Edits the current Frame Rate for the active sample.
2480 Jumps the cursor to the selected Marker.
2481 Selects the active Region.
2482 Edits the active Marker/Region.
2483 Updates the active Marker/Region to the current position/selection.
2484 Deletes the active Marker/Region.
2490 Selects the active Sample Loop.
2491 Edits the active Sample Loop.
2492 Updates the active Sample Loop to the current selection.
2493 Deletes the active Sample Loop.
2501 Creates a new sample window using the default template.
2502 Cascades the sample windows.
2503 Tiles the sample windows horizontally.
2504 Tiles the sample windows vertically.
2505 Arranges the sample window icons.
2506 Minimizes all sample windows.
2507 Closes all sample windows.
2520 Sets the input focus to the active sample.
2521 Displays the Regions List for the active sample.
2522 Displays the Playlist for the active sample.
2523 Displays the MIDI Keyboard window.
2524 Displays the Mixer window for setting device volumes.
2550 Displays Help contents.
2551 Searches for a Help topic by typing or selecting a keyword.
2552 Displays keyboard shortcuts.
2553 Lists common questions and answers.
2554 Shows copyright and version information.
3050 Sets the bits per sample to 8.
3051 Sets the bits per sample to 16.
3055 Converts stereo data to mono.
3056 Converts mono data to stereo.
3200 Sets the rate to the specified value.
3250 Sets magnification to the specified value.
3300 Moves the loop end-point right to the next zero crossing.
3301 Moves the loop end-point left to the next zero crossing.
3302 Moves the loop start-point right to the next zero crossing.
3303 Moves the loop start-point left to the next zero crossing.
3304 Toggles the active loop between Sustaining and Release.
3305 Plays the active loop of the sample.
3306 Plays the sample up to the start of the active loop.
3307 Plays the sample starting after the active loop.
3350 Plays the sample in normal mode.
3351 Plays the sample in looped mode.
3352 Plays the sample in sample mode.
3353 Plays the Playlist for the sample.
3500 Jumps to the beginning of the current selection.
3501 Jumps to the end of the current selection.
3502 Jumps to the beginning of the Sustaining loop.
3503 Jumps to the end of the Sustaining loop.
3504 Jumps to the beginning of the Release loop.
3505 Jumps to the end of the Release loop.
3506 Toggles between setting and restoring views.
3507 Selects view 1.
3508 Selects view 2.
3509 Selects view 3.
3510 Selects view 4.
3511 Selects view 5.
3512 Selects view 6.
3513 Selects view 7.
3514 Selects view 8.
3515 Move forward one page.
3516 Move backward one page.
3550 Shows status values in the default SMPTE format.
3551 Shows status values in the default Time format.
5000 Opens the selected sound file.
7000 IARL
7001 Archival Location
7002 Indicates where the subject of the file is archived.
7003 IART
7004 Artist
7005 Lists the artist of the original subject of the file. For example, "Bach."
7006 ICMS
7007 Commissioned
7008 Lists the name of the person or organization that commissioned the subject of the file. For example, "XYZZY Records."
7009 ICMT
7011 Provides general comments about the file or the subject of the file. If the comment is several sentences long, end each sentence with a period. Do not include newline characters.
7012 ICOP
7013 Copyright
7014 Records the copyright information for the file. For example, "Copyright ⌐ 1994, Sonic Foundry, Inc." If there are multiple copyrights, separate them by a semicolon followed by a space.
7015 ICRD
7016 Creation date
7017 Specifies the date the subject of the file was created. List dates in year-month-day format, padding one-digit months and days with a zero on the left. For example, "1964-03-02" for March 2, 1964.
7018 ICRP
7019 Cropped
7020 Describes whether an image has been cropped and, if so, how it was cropped. For example, "lower right corner."
7021 IDIM
7022 Dimensions
7023 Specifies the size of the original subject of the file. For example, "8.5 in h, 11 in w."
7024 IDPI
7025 Dots Per Inch
7026 Stores dots per inch setting of the digitizer used to produce the file, such as "300."
7027 IENG
7028 Engineer
7029 Stores the name of the engineer who worked on the file. If there are multiple engineers, separate the names by a semicolon and a blank. For example, "Schmidt, Monty; Palmer, Curtis J."
7030 IGNR
7031 Genre
7032 Describes the original work, such as, "landscape," "portrait," "still life," etc.
7033 IKEY
7034 Keywords
7035 Provides a list of keywords that refer to the file or subject of the file. Separate multiple keywords with a semicolon and a blank. For example, "Madison; killing; bugs."
7036 ILGT
7037 Lightness
7038 Describes the changes in lightness settings on the digitizer required to produce the file. Note that the format of this information depends on hardware used.
7039 IMED
7040 Medium
7041 Describes the original subject of the file, such as, "computer image," "drawing," "lithograph," and so forth.
7042 INAM
7043 Name/Title
7044 Stores the title of the subject of the file, such as, "Bug Zapper."
7045 IPLT
7046 Palette Setting
7047 Specifies the number of colors requested when digitizing an image, such as "256."
7048 IPRD
7049 Product
7050 Specifies the name of the title the file was originally intended for, such as "1001 Ways to Kill Bugs: CD-ROM Edition."
7051 ISBJ
7052 Subject
7053 Describes the contents of the file, such as "Madison bugs hitting bug zapper."
7054 ISFT
7055 Software
7056 Identifies the name of the software package used to create the file, such as "Sound Forge."
7057 ISHP
7058 Sharpness
7059 Identifies the changes in sharpness for the digitizer required to produce the file (the format depends on the hardware used).
7060 ISRC
7061 Source
7062 Identifies the name of the person or organization who supplied the original subject of the file. For example, "Sonic Foundry, Inc."
7063 ISRF
7064 Source Form
7065 Identifies the original form of the material that was digitized, such as "slide," "paper," "map," and so forth. This is not necessarily the same as IMED.
7066 ITCH
7067 Technician
7068 Identifies the technician who digitized the subject file. For example, "Feith, John."